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The terminology used in a high-tech field like semiconductors is necessarily complex to adequately distinguish advancements and peculiarities of the technologies involved. However, the jumble of words and acronyms, and their usage, can quickly befuddle the unenlightened.Yet it is important that high-tech terminology is used properly by speakers and writers, and especially marketers, to assure good communication.
In this glossary, Strategy Sanity documents industry-accepted use of terms and acronyms, mostly dealing with the technology surrounding digital processors, semiconductors, and electronic equipment.Beyond just definitions, discussions expand on important issues and clarity is given to implications of the technologies. In fact, a careful reading of the glossary provides special insight to how the semiconductor world runs. Diagrams and additional information may be referenced, where helpful.
Be aware that terminology is often mis-used, either mistakenly, to add perceived qualities to a product, or because “we always say it that way.”
Over time some technologies may be viewed as moving from good to old or "less good", usually because a newer technology is positioned as better by its promoters.But this is rarely reality.Engineering is a trade-off of multi-dimensional pros and cons.However, this can cause terminology to be stretched to fit inappropriately.When CISC became old-style, the term "variable-length RISC" was coined to borrow goodness from the newer term.
Note that capitalization may be used herein to illustrate the source of the acronym but not be appropriate in normal writing.
Note that words in this glossary are described in the context of high-tech electronics, electronic applications, semiconductors, and embedded processors before other or more-general usage, with hardware connotations taking precedence over software.Readers taking exception to information presented in the glossary should address concerns to the primary Strategy Sanity analyst.
µmicro-, the Greek mu, refers to one-millionth, 10-6For convenience, the lower-case “u” is often substituted.See also: numbers
ΩAn ohm is a measure of electrical resistance.
101 101 is often used to indicate very fundamental information about the topic. The source of the term/number 101 comes from college life where courses are numbered according to their level of difficulty (and often credit hours), thus, the ’01 indicates the first, a beginner course. The author of this glossary actually believes it should be more appropriately named Semis 378, since it is based on decades of experience in semiconductors, electronics, and engineering.
3DThree-dimensional is used
loosely in many cases to simply refer to object lighting and shading effects
which give realism to created objects, but at other times refers to true
stereo-imaging allowing each eye to see a slightly different view of a scene
which the brain interprets as natural distance and depth.3D can also apply to audio where the listener
can determine a depth or third-dimension to the source of a sound, often
through interpretation in the brain of how the sound is altered by near objects
like the head, hair, and ears.
3G, 4GThird-Generation, Fourth-Generation,
is often applied to wireless cellular phones, but appropriate for nearly any
ÅAngstrom: 10-10 meters; perhaps the smallest unit of measure, originally to measure the wavelength of light (electromagnetic radiation), but also used to measure atoms, molecules, and other ridiculously small items.
A-to-DAnalog-to-Digital ConverterSee:ADC, D-to-A
AAC High-efficiency Advanced Audio Coding version 2 is a lossy data compression scheme for digital audio. It is an extension of Low Complexity AAC (AAC LC) optimized for low bit-rate applications such as streaming audio. HE-AAC version 1 (HE-AAC v1) uses Spectral Band Replication (SBR) to enhance the compression efficiency in the frequency domain. HE-AAC version 2 (HE-AAC v2) couples SBR with Parametric Stereo (PS) to enhance the compression efficiency of stereo signals. (description originally from
ABIApplication Binary Interface, a software term
ABSAn Anti-skid Braking System uses a microcontroller to optimize braking on vehicles by rapidly pulsing the brakes when the wheels are skidding.ABS even allows steering to be effective under lock-up conditions.
ADC, A/DAnalog-to-Digital Converters (sometimes called A-to-D converters) take a voltage reading on their input, which may come from a temperature sensor, pressure gauge, or other real-world continuous signal, and translates it into a digital representation for use by a processor.ADCs are judged by the speed (1 Msps –million samples per second) and the resolution and accuracy (8-, 10-, 12-bit with ±1/2 bit) of their conversion.Methods of conversion include successive approximation and delta-sigma (sometimes sigma-delta.)
Because analog circuitry is best manufactured in a different manner than digital circuitry, the best A-to-D converters are typically designed on an analog process technology (and referred to as mixed-signal – mixed: analog mixed with digital).To run fast and be built cheaply, most digital processors are built on a digital technology, so it is very difficult to integrate the best A-to-D converters on the same chip with a digital processor.A D-to-A converter (or DAC) performs the reverse function by producing an analog output voltage that is proportional to its digital data input.The output voltage can drive a motor, display or control device.
ADPCMAdaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation
ADSLAsymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
AESAdvanced Encryption StandardOthers:SHA, DES
AFEAnalog Front-End
ALUArithmetic and Logic Unit.The width of the primary integer ALU in a processor is the truest measure of the “size” (bit-size, or word-width) of a processor.If two 16-bit pieces of data can be added in a single pass through the ALU, then the device is a 16-bit processor.See also:FPU, CPU, processor
AMIAdvanced Metering Infrastructure
AMISAdvanced Metering Information System
AMPAsymmetric MultiProcessing.See also:SMP (symmetric), heterogeneous, and discussion at homogeneous
AMPSAdvanced Mobile Phone Service
AMR * Automated Meter Reading
AMR * Advanced MultiRate encoder
AMR-NB *Adaptive
Multi Rate - Narrow Band, a vocoding compression technique
analog (see discussion at A-to-D, digital)
ANSI American National Standards Institute
API Application Program Interface, a software term
APON ATM Passive Optical Network(see Network)
ArchitectureSometimes short for Instruction Set Architecture
ARM*1) A processor architecture:ARM refers to the RISC processor cores that execute the ARMv1, v2, … Thumb, or Thumb2 instruction set which were developed by the company that became ARM Ltd.Common ARM processor cores include the ARM7TDMI, ARM9, ARM11, Cortex A8, Cortex R4, and Cortex M3.[Other popular multi-vendor architectures include: ARM, MIPS, Power/PowerPC, SuperH/SH]
ARM*2) A company:ARM also refers to the company ARM Holdings which designs, maintains, markets, and ultimately licenses the popular ARM processor architecture as intellectual property (IP) to customers who build the processor into a semiconductor chip.ARM is short for Advanced RISC
ARPUThe Average Revenue Per User is
frequently used by cellular service providers to measure the viability of a new
ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange – a jumble of words that signifies the coding for the American-English alphabet, numbers and some special characters into a binary code that computers use.Still the basis for most character-based computer codings, since expanded to include many other languages.Fonts overlay ASCII.A sample of ASCII coding into hexadecimal: 0 = 301 = 312 = 323 = 33 A = 41B = 42C = 43 a = 61b = 62c = 63 . . .
ASICApplication-Specific Integrated Circuit.The acronym is a bit of an inadequate description because there are many ICs dedicated to a specific application.To fully distinguish an ASIC properly, think of it as a customer-specific or OEM-specific IC.An ASIC is really designed for only one OEM, and is not sold to any other customer (unless they are explicit licensees of the chip).The ASIC is generally designed using customer-owned tools (COTS).However, there are numerous examples where a chip vendor lays out the chip, either because the ASIC is really a special alteration of a standard commercially-sold circuit, or because the chip is designed from the ground up for that one customer.ASSPs are similar to ASICs except they are sold on the merchant market and are fully described with a traditional publically-available data sheet.Further, important explanation is given at ASSP and SoC.
ASPThe Average Selling Price is a common, but broad pricing measure of a category of products; total revenue generated in a product category divided by the number of units shipped.50,000 $100 processors and 250,000 $20 processors might sell in a year resulting in a $33 ASP.Note no individual chips need to sell for $33.See also: KU
ASSPThe Application-Specific Standard Product is sold to the merchant market to address the needs of perform a specified function needed in a stated application.The chip is described in a traditional publically-available data sheet.However, many MCUs, MPUs, DSPs can be mistaken for ASICs and ASSPs.The only real way to distinguish these chips is to apply a rigorous definition of “application-specific”.A little history also may determine the proper designation.
Whether a chips is a standard processor or an ASIC or ASSP really should be based on three things. 1) How much of the on-chip circuitry must be specific to the application?If 20% of the circuitry by area is unique to the application, is that A-S?If it’s only 5%, it is likely that other applications can make good use of the 95% non-specific circuits and buy the chip for completely different end-equipment. 2) How narrow must the use of the term “application” be?If the “application” is as broad as “wired communications” is that “application-specific” or would it have to be as narrow as “VoIP-specific”? 3) An ASIC differs from an ASSP because an ASIC has no public data sheet and is sold to only one customer.
This analyst deems a chip to be application-specific if “only a fool” would use the chip for an application other than the one specified, and requires the application to be very narrowly defined, such as VoIP or laser-printer.More than 20% of the chip should be “specific” lest it will attract many other users.“Industrial” and “Wired Communication” are application segments. Also see: SoC and MCU.
Note that many MCUs are customer-unique when programs are coded into mask ROM on-chip. However, this is understood in the definition of an MCU and thus an insufficient qualifier to designate the chip an ASIC.Also, many MCUs are designed targeting an application or application segment yet are not considered to be ASICs or ASSPs.
ATM Data transmissions in Asynchronous Transfer Mode utilize a 53-byte cell consisting of a 5 byte header in front of 48 bytes of payload data.The header consists of information used for switching, packet priority, flow control, and header error control.
ATSCAdvanced Television Systems Committee standards for high-definition TV (HDTV).
AUTOSARAutomotive Open Systems Architecture
A/VAudio and Video
underside of BGA
bLower-case “b” stands for bit
BUpper-case “B” stands for byte.B can also stand for billion (109)
B2BBusiness to Business services are
not intended for consumers to use
BCDBinary Coded Decimal.See also:ASCII
BGAA fairly dense package for semiconductors uses a regular pattern of spheres of conducting material.Advantages of the Ball Grid Array are that it utilizes nearly all of the package area, including the space directly underneath the die (chip) in the package.Heat from the die can be transferred to the underlying circuit board to which the package is attached, benefiting today’s larger high-power (10+ watt) chips.BGA packages take special abilities to solder to the PCB and solder joints are more difficult to repair.The BGA was one of the earliest packages that took advantage of all of the under side of the package, whereas before the BGA, mostly the perimeter of the package had leads connected.
binning Binning is a casual term for a test procedure used to select the best semiconductor chips from many in a manner similar to choosing players on a sports team in grade school. See discussion at Temperature Range.
BIOSBasic Input/Output System
bitThe smallest representation of a binary state, 1 (on) or 0 (off) used by a computer.Note that bit is usually abbreviated as a lower-case “b”.See also: byte
black box A black box is the physical expression of a function, that is, it produces outputs based on a given specification of a sequence of inputs and time. The term “black box” is used to denote that it doesn’t matter how the outputs are determined - they might be created by logic or by a processor, some combination thereof, or it may be a simple or complex formulation. For instance, the braking of an automobile could be the function of a black box: it doesn’t matter whether hydraulics press on pads or electric motors drive calipers or if a traction-control system intervenes, when the driver steps on the pedal then the car must slow down. See also: block diagram
block diagramThe block diagram illustrates the major components of a system and how they are generally connected. Many details are left out and orientation is not intended to be accurate.
blue wiresIn the day when printed circuit boards were
fairly easily modified to correct design errors by soldering a wire between two
points, blue-colored wire was often used.A quick glance at the number of these blue wires that were on the PCB
would show how many small changes were needed on this version of the
board.Ultimately the term “blue wire”
became synonymous with correction and a board with “no blue wires” is a sign of
a solid design.As multilayer PCBs, very
small traces, and traces hidden below large chips, practical use of soldered
wires to correct design flaws has become far more difficult.
BOMThe Bill Of Materials lists all of the components and materials needed to build the product.Assembly labor, software, testing, royalties, shipping, tariffs, overhead, and cost of sales must be added to the cost of the BOM to arrive at the final product’s total cost.In speech, BOM is often pronounced the same as bomb rather than spelling
it out.See also: TCO.
bpsbits per second, typically in a serial communication channel
byteA convenient, most-popular size of a number of bits, 8 bits make one byte, representing 0 through 255, or -128 through +127. Note that byte is usually abbreviated as an upper-case “B”. See also: bit, numbers
cacheCache memory is intended to provide instant memory access to the processor when most of the memory system is slower or more distant. Caches keep a copy of data that is in more-distant memory. Management of cache is a science to maximize efficient use of the no-wait memory accesses.
Cache memory benefits from the observation that subsequent memory accesses have a high probability of being very near, often in the very next location, to the most recent memory access.This “locality of reference” is especially true of program instructions which are normally sequential with occasional branches back to recently-used instructions.
Data is more problematic in a cache.Since only 10% of memory accesses are seeking data rather than instructions, any data caching will have a much smaller benefit.While some data can come from memory near a recent data access, it is almost as likely to come from a very different location.Some data accesses actually come from peripheral and I/O locations that are expected to change dramatically with each access, and must be “live” rather than an old, saved copy.Data accesses can also intend to write results out into memory, and management of the changes in the cache versus the original or “stale” data in farther memory can be complex.
“Icache” and “Dcache”, sometimes greatly abbreviated as I$ and D$ by playing off the dollar sign to indicate cash (sic), refer to
instruction and data cache, respectively.A unified cache leaves it to a proper memory management scheme to
partition instructions and data in a large memory array.There can be multiple levels of cache, but
increasingly less-effective benefits of speed, cost, and management tradeoffs
usually limit practicality to two, and maybe three levels of semiconductor cache.
CADComputer-Aided Design, although the
word “aided” is quite an understatement
CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate is determined by the formula: ( ( [final year value] / [start year value] ) ^ ( 1 / ( [end year] - [start year] ) ) - 1 . . . and usually expressed as a percentage and often considered for a 5-year period. So if revenue in 2010 is $1M and expected to grow to $2M in 2015, then the CAGR would round to 14.87% (CAGR is often pronounced Kay’-Ger)
CANThe Controller Area Network is a standard driven initially by the Robert Bosch Gmbh as a low-level network suitable for the harsh environment of an automobile. It has evolved in the marketplace to be used in industrial applications as well.
CDMACode-Division Multiple Access (IS-96), a cellular technology
CDRSCommon Digital Radio System
CELPCode Excited Linear Predictive
CISCComplex Instruction Set Computer:processing operation, addressing mode, register, and data size designations are encoded into very compact instructions that might find their data in external memory. The 68000 (somewhat morphed into today’s ColdFire), x86, and most microcontroller cores are typical CISC architectures. See also: RISC
CMOSComplementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductors pair a P-channel transistor with an N-channel transistor which performs a sort of push-pull effect that very quickly switches the silicon-based transistor from ON to OFF and back, saving power dramatically.Thus, CMOS became known as the low-power low-cost semiconductor technology.In the mid-1970’s PMOS was largely left behind in favor of faster NMOS.By 1980, CMOS had become the technology of choice for most semiconductors.
COThe Central Office is the “telephone company” facility where cabling to the subscriber connects to line cards which handle the interfaces, now including data transmissions over the circuit switched network.See also description at CPE.CO also stands for Carbon monoxide.
connectivityConnectivity is the ability to communicate over a serial link with another device, rather loosely and at close range.Connectivity is an increasingly important characteristic of many electronic products today, making it easier for them to work in unison, often without express human intervention.Personal Area Networks (PAN) like Bluetooth and Zigbee are often utilized in “connected” devices.There is no hard definition distinguishing connected devices from those which otherwise communicate over a serial link, but characteristics of connected devices usually include:
•simple communications protocols •low bandwidth and/or brief transmissions •wireless rather than wired links •mesh rather than point-to-point networks with possibly hundreds of direct contacts •communication being only one, perhaps minor, function of the device
coreA Core processor, usually licensed, that is a part of a highly-integrated ASIC, ASSP, or OEM-designed custom chip, sometimes combined with other processors[Discussion at “processor”]
COTS *1) Customer Owned Tools generally refers to computer-aided design (CAD) tools that an OEM might use to design its own semiconductor circuits, often leading to a chip in the ASIC or purely custom category.
COTS *2) Commercial-Off-The-Shelf products are sometimes specified in aerospace, defense, military, or other high-reliability applications where it is believed that the product will be in a less severe environment such that traditional high-reliability (hi-rel) products can not be justified against the lower cost expectation of COTS products.
CPECustomer Premise Equipment is the equipment at the terminating end of a communications network, and typically located on the end-user’s premises.In some ways, CPE is to communications what “client” is to the distributed computer.CPE is distinguished from the head end of the system, the central office (CO).
CPRChip Rate Processing.Used in cellular phone technology.Also consider: Symbol Rate Processing
CPUCentral Processing Unit – the main processor in a system, often the MPU in a PC or mainframe.[Discussion at “processor”]See also: MPU, RISC, CISC, processor [the “U” of CPU stands for unit, a remnant of the days when many individual components on a board, and later when a single chip, comprised this function.In speech, “unit” is rarely used now]
CRCCyclical Redundancy Checking uses
algorithms to verify that received data is uncorrupted.CRC does not facilitate correction, only
detection of errors.Most often used in
serial transmissions.See also: ECC,
customerTo the semiconductor vendor, the customer is designer of a piece of electronic equipment, often an OEM.The engineer at the OEM decides which components to use in putting together the cell phone, television, or network switch being designed based on the needs of the end-user of the equipment and within criteria for the equipment like features, upgradeability, quality, cost, size, power consumption, etc.
Since year 2000, more semiconductor customers have been a middleman, the contracted ODM who does the design of the end-equipment but then turns the design over to the OEM to either manufacture the product or have it manufactured.
The customer might also be the designer of a board-level product that may not be a fully-finished product but will end up being sold to an assembler who finishes the product, or perhaps will be combined with other boards and software to run a piece of mechanical equipment or shop floor.See also: design-win, FAE.
D-cacheCache memory set up to contain data.Data Cache memory.Sometimes D$ is used as a short-hand.[Discussion at “cache”] See also: cache, I-cache
DECTDigitally Enhanced Cordless Telephone is generally a technology used in Europe
DESData Encryption Standard.Others: SHA, AES
design-winThe effort to sell a semiconductor to a customer may start months before any chips are sold.The vendor often must provide technical documentation to demonstrate how its product will function in the customer’s application.When the customer decides to design the vendor’s product into the application, it is considered a “design win” or “design-in”.This is also referred to as “winning the socket”, because parts may be mounted in a socket.
Unseating the competition by convincing the customer to replace a competitor’s part with yours can be especially sweet, and referred to as “stealing the socket.” It may still be 6 to 12 months before any real volume of chips is shipped, but the design win is the point at which the vendor gains confidence there will be dependable volume shipping soon.See also: customer, OEM, FAE
DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol
dieOne of the last steps in semiconductor wafer fabrication is scribing and breaking the wafer in a grid pattern to isolate each circuit into an individual die.This is mounted into a special protective package and its electrical connections are brought to the extremities for easy solderability to a printed circuit board (PCB).At least one vendor uses the term “bar” rather than die.Engineers find microphotographs of die (a “die photo”) to be fascinating, especially if major circuit functions are marked on it.Most people might think they look like a satellite photograph of New York City, with Donald Trump’s properties circled.
digital Discrete quantities, such as either 0 or 1 but nothing in between, are considered digital. Digital is often contrasted with “analog” which has infinitely variable quantities, such as 74.6 degrees. “Fuzzy Logic” was, in some ways, an attempt to bridge analog and digital by using less defined concepts like “more” or “hot” which are both relative and mean different things to different users. Digital computers and, by extension, digital equipment built from them are more precise in that from a given set of inputs and time sequences, the results can be predictably identical for all similar machines. Analog electronics is more sensitive to temperature, drift (changes in component specifications over time), and part-to-part variation. Digital equipment has been marketed as “better than” analog. The “real world” is actually very analog – a tree branch bends in an infinite variety of ways, sound can be at any frequency, and blue is a band of light frequencies – and the analog of real life must be changed to digital with analog-to-digital converters so computers can analyze it [see discussion at ADC].
DIMMDual In-line Memory Module
disc, disk Disc (with a “c”) is often used to designate an optical disc like a CD or DVD while disk (with a “k”) is used for a magnetic disk media like a floppy or hard drive, but the two spellings are also used less distinctively.
DMADirect Memory Access controllers transfer large blocks of data from a peripheral or memory to another peripheral or memory location without requiring attention from the main processor after it’s initial setup.
DNADeoxyribonucleic Acid is a biological term
DNSDomain Name System (of the Internet)
DODUnited States Department of Defense
DOEUnited States Department of Energy
DOJUnited States Department of Justice
DPDDigital Pre-Distortion
DRAMDynamic RAM requires frequent refreshing to retain data.See also: Memory
DSLDigital Subscriber Line modem.ADSL is an Asynchronous DSL that takes advantage of the fact that most users of Internet service bring data and files down to them (Web pages and downloads) and only infrequently push data and files up to the other people or machines (send and upload).Most DSLs today are actually asynchronous (unbalanced) so they can download 10 times as fast as they can upload so they maximize the most-noticeable download transfer rate.
DSLAMThe DSL Access Multiplexer is on the other end of the wire that connects to a DSL and is in the telephone company central office (CO) or possibly in a remote neighborhood cabinet. The DSLAM concentrates and controls many DSL lines onto one very high-speed network cable (a “fat pipe”) which then connects to the greater Internet.
DSODevice Software Optimization
DSP The Digital Signal Processor excels at running algorithms such as FFTs, FIR filters, and others that are often used for processing data representing signals, often after being sampled and converted to digital.While the MAC operation is the most common sign of a DSP, it alone does not define one.DSPs utilize separate instruction and (sometimes two) data buses (a “Harvard bus architecture”) to maximize throughput of the constant stream of signal data and constants that typify signal processing.Early standalone DSPs were dependent upon a host processor, a GPP, to set them up.More recent DSPs are more self-sufficient, or are on-chip with a RISC processor that works with it.Signal processing also makes use of extremely tight instruction loops that require no extra clock cycles be used.DSP data size is typically 16-bits for voice and lower quality audio with 20 and 24 bits used for the best audio.These data are referred to as "fixed-point".32 bits are used for floating-point data in a DSP. A DSP data word is organized uniquely for maximum mathematical effectiveness so special normalization and error accumulation operations are important.[Discussion at “processor”]See also: Processor, MPU, MCU
DSSS Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum
DVBDigital Video Broadcasting with Cable, Handheld, Satellite, and Terrestrial subsegments
DVIDigital Visual Interface;
alternative to HDMI
DVR TiVo and ReplayTV simultaneously introduced Digital Video Recorders to the world but TiVo became so successful that its name became synonymous with the product, even being turned into a verb describing the act of recording a TV program onto a hard disc. DVRs, also known as personal video recorders, completely overran the VCR market. A hard drive as the recording media eliminated the shuffling of video tapes and an integrated program guide simplified set-up and playback of recorded TV programs. Eventually, STB’s grew to include hard drives for video recording functionality.E1, E2, E32.048, 8.448, and 34.368 Mbps data transmissions for Europe and outside North America(see also T1)
EAROM/ EEPROMElectrically Alterable/Erasable Programmable ROM
ECCError-Correcting Code uses algorithms to verify that data is uncorrupted. “Check bits” are appended to the actual data, which allow minor errors in the data to be detected when read or received. Single-bit error correction and double-bit detection is common. There is a “cost” associated with ECC: some logic and time is needed to perform the checking/correcting and additional memory is needed to maintain the check bits. The original Hamming codes require 4 extra bits to correct errors in 8 bits of data, 5 bits in 16, 6 bits in 32, and 7 bits in 64. One additional bit is required to detect double-bit errors (without correction). See also: CRC, EDAC
ECUECU is used in automotive applications, sometimes to refer to an Engine Control Unit and more loosely as an Electronic Control Unit – in either case it consists of a microcontroller or microprocessor that reads various sensors as inputs and determines the proper action to control its assigned subsystem, from the engine to the climate control to the window lift.
EDACError Detection and Correction (also
EDC)See also: CRC, ECC
EDGEEnhanced Data rates for Global Evolution, a cellular technology
In today’s digital world, digital processors are also at the heart of almost anything electronic and these are called embedded processors. A cell phone, printer, hard drive, monitor, automotive component, navigation system, PDA, set-top box, network switch, router, VoIP phone, MP3 player, camera, HDTV, video game, remote control, power supply, security system is designed and purchased to perform the named function. There is likely to be a processor embedded in the electronics managing and performing the named function. The user has no direct control over the processor and has no need to even know of its existence.
These embedded processors can be standard off-the-shelf MPUs, MCUs, and DSPs, or network and other specialty processors, or they may be core processors that are “deeply embedded” within another electronic chip such as an ASIC, ASSP, or purely custom integrated circuit.
Embedded Systems are considered to be electronic equipment containing an embedded processor, that is, electronic equipment like that given in the long list above, which is not expressly a computer.
The problem with embedded systems and embedded processors is only that they are unseen. While the world has been fixated on the PC and the predominance of Intel’s x86 microprocessors, only 200 million PC-like products are shipped a year. Meantime, literally billions of embedded processors (MPUs, MCUs, DSP, and core-based products) quietly go into a variety of equipment every year and are used daily by the modern world. PC-processors may sell for $200 each while embedded processors sell for one-tenth or one-hundredth that amount.
Consider the automobile. 50 million cars are sold every year and may average 30 processors in each, mostly MCUs, metering fuel and air to the engine, managing the transmission and vehicle stability, monitoring the heat/air conditioning, instrument panel, and windshield wipers, operating antiskid braking and firing airbags, and stopping the window lift when Johnny’s finger is in the way. Plus “topside” electronics like the stereo, DVD, cellular, and navigation systems in cars are full of processors – yet most people only see this complex system on wheels as a fine automobile. Think of electronics the next time you click the MCU in your key FOB to unlock your doors.
The term “embedded” is often used in an improper manner in speech and writing in the electronics industry, mostly because it is used like it is a noun. Usually the simple addition of the word “system”, “application”, “control”, or “software” will improve usage. Think of “embedded” as an adjective.
EMF, EMI ElectroMagnetic Field radiation or Interference is good if you’re making use of the radiation or bad if it interferes with the EMF signals you’re trying to use. Antennae radiate EMF but cables must be shielded from EMI. EMF can also refer to ElectroMotive Force which describes the electrical energy potential across the terminals of a battery or similar source.
EndianThe sequence in which data is placed
in memory, sometimes referred to as “byte sex”.Big Endian data organization places the most significant part of the
data in the lowest memory address; so the “big end” comes first. Little endian format matches the least
significant byte with the lowest memory address.(Memory addresses are always assumed to
“start” at zero.)“Endianness” is an
acceptable term within the computing community.
EPAUnited States Environmental
Protection Agency
EPROMErasable Programmable ROM is
bulk-erased by ultraviolet light.See
also: Memory
ESDElectro-Static Discharge
EthernetToday’s baseline LAN protocol, the IEEE 802.3 standard, originally operating at 10 Mbit/s using 10baseT PHYs, now extended to 100 Mbit/s (called Fast Ethernet) using 100baseT PHYs, 1000 Mbit/s (Gigabit Ethernet, or GigE), and 10 Gbit/s (10 Gig Ethernet). CAT5 cables are the physical medium over which Ethernet is transmitted.
EU ETSEuropean Union Emissions Trading
Scheme relates to the tradeoff of pollution emissions as a result of energy
generation or consumption against tax or other financial credits or penalties.EV-DOEvolution-Data Optimized, a cellular technology
fabThe fabrication facility is the building, equipment, and personnel that manufacture a semiconductor chip from raw materials.See also: foundry, IDM
fablessA fabless semiconductor company designs and markets integrated circuits, but relies on a contracted foundry for the fab that implements the design and manufactures the chips.The fabless semiconductor company avoids the extreme costs of building, equipping, and maintaining a fab (easily $1 billion) while taking advantage of nearly the latest manufacturing technology, but has less control over parameters in the manufacturing facility and its products’ priority within the contracted fab.See also: IDM
FAEThe Field Applications Engineer has a critical role in the process of selling complex semiconductors.Located in “the field” with the salesperson near the customer, the FAE must understand many technical aspects of the chip to help show the customer how to fit the chip into the customer’s application.See also: design-win, customer
FCCThe United States Federal Communications Commission
FFTFast Fourier Transform is a fundamental signal processing algorithm often executed on a DSP
FHSSFrequency-Hopping Spread-Spectrum
FIBA Focused Ion Beam system can repair and somewhat “edit” circuits already etched into a semiconductor chip.Generally, the physical circuits on chips can not be changed at all once they are fabricated.If there is an error in the circuit design then the entire wafer, lot, and production run has the error and is worthless except for verifying circuits on the rest of the chip.This is extremely wasteful of time and money and can occur late in the chip development stages or just after an alteration is made to the circuits to enhance a feature.Sometimes individual chips have a flaw due to a contaminant in the manufacturing materials.
FIB machines can deposit and remove insulating and conductor material in a very precise fashion, to recover otherwise-wasted chips.FIB machines are expensive and rather slow to repair a chip, but can be very valuable in saving expensive mask layers and weeks of turnaround-time to run a new set of masks through the fab; all while engineers sit pensively wondering if the part of the chip that can’t be tested will perform as expected.
FIFOFirst In-First Out is a sequence description where the first data to arrive is the data first to be driven out; a formal description of a memory buffer.See also: LIFO
FIRFinite Impulse Response filter is a fundamental signal processing algorithm often executed on a DSP
FirewireIEEE 1394
firmwareThe physical components that make up the electrical part of a system is considered hardware: the processor, memory, display drivers, ASICs, analog and discrete components, among many others.The printed circuit board, chassis, keyboard, and enclosure that make up a complete end-equipment may be considered hardware as well.Hardware is essentially unchangeable.
Software is the program that instructs the processor what to do.Software can be changed infinitely depending on the task it is assigned.Software is not something a person can touch but a printout of the instructions can be read and, for an electronic system, this software must be stored in the memory system so the processor can quickly read and execute the instructions.
Firmware is also software but is in memory that can not be changed every second.Firmware is saved in factory-programmed mask ROM or one of the non-volatile (NV) forms of memory like Flash or EEPROM.The contents of ROM, Flash, and EEPROM are often copied into RAM (which operates faster) so the processor can read its programs quickly.Flash and EEPROM can be updated while still mounted on the printed circuit board (PCB), but changing a mask ROM requires chip replacement.
A simple way to think of software is like the recipe in a cookbook.A recipe consists of a set of ingredients and instructions for preparing an edible dish.If the right ingredients are not available or the instructions are not followed in the prescribed order then the results may be very different than expected.Some substitution is possible (raspberries for blackberries) and chopping the carrots before the apples may not affect the outcome - similarly some programmers or processors can rearrange the order without affecting results.In this analogy the oven, stovetop, blender, and knives are hardware, the cookbook is like the memory, and the cook is the processor following instructions.
fixed-functionThe beauty of a programmable processor is that a readily-changeable program instructs the processor exactly what function to perform.However, it takes a while to sequence through the instruction strings and complete the task.A fixed-function accelerator uses dedicated hardware to scream through the specified function 10 to 100 times faster than a programmable processor, but has none of the flexibility of the processor.When the system doesn’t need the function, this circuitry is completely idle.However, that has advantages because it can be turned off to save power, even though it will take some time to be turned back on.These are sometimes called FASICs – fixed-function ASICs.
FlashFlash Memory is a non-volatile, electrically reprogrammable memory.See also: Memory
FLOPSFLoating point Operations Per Second is a measure of a processor’s floating-point performance, often too simplistic for adequate comparisons
FPGAField-Programmable Gate Array
FPUA Floating Point Unit is a special processor that has unique logic to perform mathematical operations on data that represents floating point numbers, comprised of a mantissa and an exponent, such as 2.468 x 1013.An FPU often has a general-purpose processor as a host, feeding it data.See also: CPU, ALU
FSKFrequency Shift Keying
FTPFile Transfer Protocol
FUDFear, Uncertainty, and Doubt are often spread by one vendor disparaging the products or services of his competitor.The information may be true or may be twisted but is highlighted to raise concerns about the viability of the competitor, often unfairly.
G.hnan ITU specification G.9960 being
developed for the home network relying on existing home wiring like mains and
coaxial cable
GHza Gigahertz is one billion cycles
per second(109) .See also: frequency
GigEGigabit Ethernet
GOPSGiga-Operations Per Second, that is,
billion operations per second.See:
GPIOGeneral-Purpose Input/Output.See: I/O
GPPGeneral-Purpose Processor is a good universal term for all RISC and CISC microprocessors, microcontrollers, and core processors.GPPs are designed to perform a wide variety of operations, typically based on integer arithmetic and Boolean logic.Specialty processors like DSPs, FPUs, GPUs, and network processors typically require a GPP as a host: setting them up and performing overall system management and maintenance.
GPRGeneral-Purpose Register
GPRSGeneral Packet Radio Service, a cellular technology
GPSGlobal Positioning System
GPUGraphics Processor
GSM Global System for Mobile Communications, a cellular technology
GUIs The Macintosh computer was the first commercially successful example of a Graphical User Interface which presented more natural graphical components like icons and used actions such as drag-and-drop in the human-machine interface, replacing the far simpler text-based screens that had existed before. This required more complex interaction between the display (monitor) and the input device, now including a two-degrees-of-freedom mouse as well as a keyboard. GUIs have advanced significantly since 1984 in terms of resolution, color, size, and the variety of input devices available. See also: WYSIWYG
H.264H.264 compresses video streams
utilizing block-oriented motion-compensating techniques resulting in about half
the bits required represent the same video as MPEG-2, MPEG-4 part 2, or H.263
video.This high efficiency comes at a
cost, requiring nearly double the processing performance to handle the more
complex decoding involved.H.264 is used
for Blu-ray discs and iTunes video.
HANThe Home Area Network is really
just a LAN but identifying it as being located in the home or a residence may
imply ease-of-use, ownership, and standards characteristics that ease
discussion of home applicance and home energy control, consumer electronics
products, and audio/video data stream transmission (see Networks,
HDLCHigh-level Data Link Control along with SDLC (Synchronous) established the most basic synchronous (closely tied to a clock signal) serial point-to-point communications protocol while ADLC describes the Asynchronous method.
HDMIHigh Definition Multimedia Interface - a trademarked standard
hexadecimalBase-16 numbers are a handy way to write the binary machine code patterns so that humans can recognize them more easily, since two hexadecimal characters can represent a byte. After 0-9, characters A, B, C, D, E, and F are used to represent decimal 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15.The term is often shortened to just “hex”. For clarity, hex numbers are sometimes appended with an “h” (or may be preceded by “$”), and appear in pairs representing bytes, such as 04h.Binary looks like this in hexadecimal: 0000 = 0h 0001 = 1h0010 = 2h 0011 = 3h 0100 = 4h 0101 = 5h0110 = 6h0111 = 7h 1000 = 8h1001 = 9h 1010 = Ah1011 = Bh 1100 = Ch1101 = Dh 1110 = Eh 1111 = Fh
heterogeneousHeterogeneous processors perform a system’s primary function using two or more different processors, fairly tightly coupled.A good example is a RISC processor coupled with a DSP as is traditional in a cellular phone design.Since they are not designed to run on their own, any system utilizing a DSP, network processor, or graphics processor is typically heterogeneous since there is a host GPP that sets up the specialty processor, runs the OS, and performs numerous applications functions.See also: AMP, SMP, and discussion at homogeneous
HIDHuman Interface Device is the
electro-mechanical system through which a person inputs data, receives
information, or manages the electronics.Common HIDs include the keyboard, keypad, mouse, touch-screen.The term is commonly used in USB
environments.See also: HMI
HKMG high-k/metal gate (generally for very aggressive semiconductor manufacturing technologies like 32nm)
HLLWriting a program in a High-Level Language like “C” and “C++”allows the programmer to structure algorithms and tasks in the most useful manner without regard to the peculiarities of the processor on which it will run.HLL programs are considered portable because they can be compiled into machine code for a number of processors.Assembly language is cryptic but still human-readable and might be considered a low-level language, though the term is rarely used.Machine code or binary code is just patterns of 1s and 0s and what resides in memory chips.The processor or “machine” performs its operations based on binary code, and any human that can read binary needs to get out and play soccer a lot more.
HMIThe Human-Machine Interface is the
means by which the flesh-and-blood user manages, monitors, and controls the
electronic or mechanical system.While
this may be seen as the physical controls and display hardware, aided by
significant underlying software to present conditions and interpret inputs, the
most important feature of the HMI is how obvious, easy, natural, and intuitive its
procedural operations are.Typing “raise
the temperature 3 degrees” may not be as obvious or natural as raising a lever
slightly, and searching through chained menus may not be as clear as an icon.A comprehensive understanding of many factors
regarding the user at the controls is required for the design of a good
human-machine interface. See GUI, HID, WYSIWYG
homogeneousHomogeneous processors perform a system’s primary function using two or more identical processors, fairly tightly coupled.This may be two or four cores on one piece of silicon, or even arrays of 256 standalone processors.The most obvious examples of late are dual-core MIPS, PowerPC, or x86 processors, though most of these (certainly the x86) were doubled up to contain power consumption rather than the real goal of multiprocessing which is to quickly multiply the performance of a system. Homogeneous processors can be used in a symmetric manner (SMP) where a task runs on any available processor, or in an asymmetric manner (AMP) where the operating system and associated system functions run on one processor and applications programs run on the other processors.See also: AMP, SMP, and discussion at heterogeneous
HSPA High Speed Packet Access;
also: Dual-carrier High-Speed Packet Access Plus (DC-HSPA+)
HSUPAHigh-Speed Uplink Packet Access
HTMLHyperText Mark-up Language
https HyperText Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS)
HVACHeating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning systems
HzHertz is a measure of periodic frequency, cycles per second
I/OInput and Output, or I/O, are the
signals that interface the real-world to a computer-based electronic
system.Inputs can come from switches,
keyboards, sensors, and microphones and outputs can drive LEDs, buzzers,
speakers, and actuators.I/O signals are
usually digital, although they may be converted from/to an analog form (see
A-to-D).The I/O line usually isolates
the sometimes-harsh outside environment or shift the signal levels to be
compatible with the processor.While the
simplest form of I/O is a single on or off indication, I/O is often more useful
when grouped in sets of 8 for convenience to be read and written as bytes.General-Purpose I/O (GPIO) implies a wide
range of electrical compatibility is accommodated.Related: peripherals
ICIntegrated Circuit.Originally, electronic circuits were built using discreet components: transistors, resistors, and capacitors. Jack Kilby at Texas Instruments is credited with being the first to successfully integrate a number of circuits onto a single semiconductor substrate. This integrated circuit has all the good characteristics of a semiconductor - consistent mass production, low cost, low power, and long life. Almost the only real negative quality of an IC is its lack of flexibility - it is impossible to change its function once it is produced. But ICs were designed to serve the greatest number of applications, so the first digital ICs formed the most basic gate functions, and later flip-flops, soon adders and shift registers, and ultimately enough transistors were available to design the exotic graphics processors of today on single pieces of silicon.
The level of integration of electronic circuits onto a silicon substrate increases with each passing year.An approximation of the integration level used to be indicated by a stepping up of the terms used.Much of that has been abandoned for the present – until marketers see the need for adding a new word to the list.Following are terms from a more naïve time when VLSI had more than 1000 equivalent gates – in increasing order of complexity.See also: die, PCB, SoC, SIP SSISmall Scale Integration MSIMedium Scale Integration LSILarge Scale Integration VLSIVery Large Scale Integration SoCSystem-on-a-Chip
I-cacheAn Instruction cache is cache memory set up to hold processor instructions.Sometimes I$ is used as a short-hand.[Discussion at “cache”]See also: D-cache
ICEAn In-Circuit Emulator is a hardware development tool that helps system designers replicate the operation of a processor in a target system (“in-circuit”) but with much better control to monitor and manipulate the system, looking to iron out problems
IDE*1) Integrated Development Environment for electronic system design
IDE*2) Integrated Drive Electronics for a PC disk drive
IDMTraditional semiconductor companies are Integrated Device Manufacturers because they design the electronic circuits, manufacture the circuits in their own fabs, and market the chips all themselves (packaging the silicon may have been done by outside companies).A very different form of company is the fabless semiconductor company that mostly designs and markets the integrated circuit, but contracts with an external foundry to implement the design or at least manufacture the chips.
IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers – a primarily-US-centric professional organization and a significant global standards
IIC, I2CInter-Integrated Circuit serial communications standard, spoken as “eye-squared-sea” See also: SPI, SCI
IIRInfinite Impulse Response Filter is a fundamental signal processing algorithm often executed on a DSP
JPEG, .jpg Joint Photographic Experts Group for still images.See also: MPEG
JTAGJoint Test Automation Group, IEEE Standard 1149.1
k-kilo-, one thousand
KUKU is a thousand Units.In market statistics, unit volume shipments are often stated in thousands while revenue is stated in millions of US dollars, so:150KU$20.00 ASP$3M annual market.Related: $M, ASP
LANLocal Area Network.See also: Network
LCDLiquid Crystal Display
LEDLight-Emitting Diode
LIFOLast In-First Out is a sequence
description where the last data to arrive is the data first to be driven out; a
formal description of a typical memory stack.See also: FIFO
LNALow Noise Amplifier
logicNOT, OR, AND, and XOR (exclusive
OR) are the basis of logical operations and, in great combinations and chains,
can represent virtually any decision-making process or mathematical
LSILarge Scale Integration.[Discussion at “IC”]
LTELong Term Evolution, sometimes
considered the distinguishing technology of 4G cellular
LUTA Look-Up Table can be a quick and dirty shortcut to determining the correct output according to an input.A color look-up table (CLUT) can allow 256 symbols to represent a variety of 65,000 non-uniform colors for a display.
m-milli-one-thousandth.See also: micro, nano, number
mAA milliamp is one-thousandth of an ampere, an electrical current measurement.See also: micro-
MAC*1) Multiply ACcumulate is the most fundamental of digital signal processing operations. The MAC multiplies two pieces of data and sums the result to a running total in 1 or 2 clocks. Coupled with a conditional-branch operation that takes no more than 1 additional clock (zero is better), the MAC is ideal for the frequent sum-of-products operation of many DSP algorithms. Every DSP will have a MAC, but many standard MPUs and MCUs add in a MAC instruction to ease the execution of signal processing functions in those GPPs - it’s a good start, but no substitute for a real DSP. MAC can refer to either a processor instruction or to the hardware logic that implements the operation. See also: DSP
MAC*2) Medium Access Controller
MCU A microcontroller (MCU) contains a processor, I/O peripherals, and the memory system all on the chip.An MCU is primarily designed to perform control operations and has quick interrupt capability.On-chip program memory (mostly ROM and Flash) distinguishes the MCU from an MPU.While some MPUs have peripherals and cache memory on-chip, an MCU is expected to execute instructions entirely from its on-chip memory (although with 32-bit, this requirement is relaxing).MCUs run at much lower frequencies and are generally less-powerful than an MPU.On-chip peripheral circuits may be the most critical part of an MCU, off-loading the processor from being bothered with too many rudimentary I/O operations.[Discussion at “processor”]See also: MPU, DSP, processor[the “U” of MCU stands for unit, rarely used now]
MEMSMicro-Electro-Mechanical System
MHzOne MegaHertz is one million
cycles per second (clock frequency).See
also: frequency
micro- (µ)One-millionth
(10-6) [the lower-case “u” is often substituted for the more-correct
“mu”, µ]See also: milli, nano, Numbers
an offhand, shortened version of “microprocessor”. Twenty years
ago, ”Micro-“ prefixed many words such as processor to indicate the item was a
semiconductor chip rather than a board-level product made up of many
chips.A microcomputer would be a chip
but a minicomputer was a board or box-level computer.
micronOne-millionth (10-6) of a meter.Micron is a common way of measuring feature
size (line widths) on semiconductor die.Around year 1980 most semiconductors used technology larger than 1
micron.By the year 2000, most advanced
semiconductors had shrunk below 0.13 micron and 0.1 micron, ushering in the
misnomer “sub-micron” as terminology shifted to sizes called “90 nanometer” and
below.See also: nanometer (nm), Numbers
Instrument Digital Interface
milOne-thousandth of a meter (0.001
m).The lead spacing, or pitch, on the
outside of the chip package is usually described in mils.These leads align with the spacing of signal
traces on the PCB on which the chip is mounted.1.0 mil spacing of the ’80’s has given way to 0.8 mil and even half-mil
center-to-center lead spacing.
MIMOMultiple Input/Multiple Output
(antenna technology, often associated with IEEE 802.11n and high-speed 3G
As a pure acronym, MIPS is short for “Million Instructions Per Second”, a
measure of a processor’s performance, often too simplistic for adequate
comparisons.DMIPS refers to
measurements made using the Dhrystone benchmarks.See also: FLOPS, GOPS, MOPS
A processor architecture -MIPS also
refers to the RISC processor cores that execute the MIPS-I, MIPS16, MIPS32, or
MIPS64 instruction set which were developed by the company now known as
MTI.Common MIPS processor cores include
the MIPS 4K, 5K, 24K, 34K, and 74K.Originators pretend that MIPS stood for “microprocessor without
interlocked pipeline stages”.[Other popular multi-vendor architectures include: ARM,
MIPS, Power/PowerPC, SuperH/SH]
A company - MIPS also refers to the company MIPS Technologies Inc (MTI) which
designs, maintains, markets, and ultimately licenses the popular MIPS processor
architecture as intellectual property (IP) to customers who build the processor
into a semiconductor chip.Previously
the company was MIPS Computer Systems, and once a part of Silicon Graphics
MMACS, MegaMACSMillion multiply-accumulate operations per second as a measure of a
DSP’s potential performance is sometimes too simplistic for adequate
MMSMultimedia Messaging Service
transfers images, animation, video as well as text on a cell phone.See also: SMS
MMUThe Memory Management Unit sits
between the processor and the memory and maps virtual memory addresses to
physical memory locations while keeping programs from accessing improper
sections of memory and I/O.MMUs must be
designed carefully to avoid introducing delay during accesses to memory and
I/O.See also: MPU memory protection.
MOPSMillion Operations Per Second, a
measure of a processor’s performance, often too simplistic for adequate
comparisons.“Operations” can be
difficult to define consistently between vendors.This term is often associated with DSPs.See also: MIPS, GOPS
MPU * A microprocessor (MPU) is a
processor designed to perform data processing, operating primarily on numeric
data.MPUs usually dedicate the most
transistors to instruction execution, resulting in the highest performing
processor.32-bit and 64-bit MPUs are
typical, running at frequencies from 100 MHz to over 1 GHz.Cache memory on-chip is necessary to keep
external memory, which is relatively slow, from impairing performance.An MPU is distinguished by its focus on data
processing and its lack of significant memory on-chip.An MCU is usually self-contained,
distinguished by its focus on control operations, its peripheral support, and
execution of instructions primarily out of on-chip memory.[Discussion at “processor”]See also: processor, CPU, RISC, CISC, core,
MPU *Many ARM-architecture processor cores
make use of a Memory Protection Unit, which unfortunately abbreviates to the
same letters normally used for a microprocessor.This confusion could have easily been
avoided, but then the same boys in Cambridge
also thought referring to their ARM Architecture Reference Manual document as
the ARM ARM (sic) to be too cute to pass up.Memory protection in this sense is the first stage of what some Memory
Management Units (MMU) perform.It
allows special handling of apparently-improper access to memory such as when
less-trusted User programs try to access memory assigned to operating systems
(or “Supervisors”), attempts to write data to sections of memory intended to be
read-only, or erasure of certain memory areas.See also: MMU.
MPWThe Multi-Project Wafer has become
practical as high-density process technology met 300mm wafers.While most semiconductor manufacturing
replicates the pattern for just one chip across the entire silicon wafer, in
fact a set of wafers, MPW allows patterns for a number of chips onto a single
wafer.Sharing a wafer this way reduces
the quantity of die of any one chip pattern that are produced so test chips and
low quantity runs are not overwhelmed with potentially un-sellable chips.Realize that a 300mm (approx 12” diameter)
wafer might produce 2,500 die that are 5mm on a side.
msA millisecond is one-thousandth
of a second
MultiCoreMultiple processing cores on a chip,
usually homogeneous cores
MultiprocessorMultiprocessor refers to more than one
processor; sometimes homogeneous such as a pair of MIPS 4K processors, other
times heterogeneous such as an ARM7TDMI with a DSP.Multiprocessor can refer to processors on
individual chips or, in growing use starting about 2005, the processors all
being on the same chip, in many cases to increase overall performance while not
burning the chip up with internally-generated heat.Multiprocessing often refers to the logistics
and management of computing by using multiple processors, usually homogeneous,
and has been around for a long time.See
also: cores, AMP, SMP
MUXA multiplexer selects which of
many input signals to use while a demultiplexer (DEMUX) selects the output line
on which to put an individual signal.
mVA millivolt is one-thousandth of
a volt, an electrical voltage measurement.See also: micro-, numbers
mWA milliwatt is one-thousandth of a
watt, an electrical power measurement.See also: micro-, numbers
NANNot A Number. Sometimes, Neighborhood Area Network (see: Network)
NFCNear Field Communication
NREA Non-Recurring Engineering charge is a fee charged to cover substantial up-front costs associated with starting a project with a vendor.NRE may cover equipment, labor, mask charges, or other one-off expenses, and are agreed upon ahead of time.NRE is in contrast to piece-prices that primarily cover the manufacturing costs of individual parts.See also discussion at: OTP
NTSCNational Television System Committee, sometimes jokingly referred to as Never Twice the Same Color, describes the 525-line standard by which the United States and some other countries base (the old analog) color television.Other major color TV standards include PAL (Phase Alternating Line - used in Australia and much of Europe) and SECAM ((long French phrase) - used in France and former Soviet countries).NTSC radio transmissions in the USA will be turned off on February 17, 2009 forcing broadcasters and consumers to digital TV on the ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee) standard.
numbersNote: Special attention is given to numbers at the bottom of this glossary
NVRAMNon-Volatile RAM
ODMOriginal Design Manufacturer.See also: OEM
OEMThe Original Equipment Manufacturer is the company that makes and markets the end-equipment; Ford may be the OEM of a car, though Bosch may make some of the subassemblies that go into the car, and a Taiwanese company designed the circuits (the ODM), and an Israeli company wrote the software that included a communications stack licensed from a British company.See also: ODM
OFDMA Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access, often associated with wireless technology.
order of magnitude 10x. Mathematically, each order of magnitude (size) is ten times. Thus, 10,000 is an order of magnitude larger than 1,000. 100,000 is two orders of magnitude larger than 1,000. Order of magnitude is usually used to “wave a hand” at the actual size difference to give a general idea. For instance, to agree that “a horse is an order of magnitude bigger than a dog” doesn’t require a set of scales. It is uncommon to use fractions in mention of orders of magnitude, so one does not often hear “two and a half orders of magnitude,” partly because precision is not trying to be conveyed. Can be hyphenated for clarity
OSGiOpen Services Gateway Initiative
OTPOne Time Programmable Read-Only Memory is non-volatile memory designed to be programmed only once; essentially an EPROM packaged with no window, preventing ultraviolet light from ever erasing it.Packaging EPROM die so it can be erased noticeably raises costs of the memory or microcontroller.OTP solved the cost problem and in turn opened a new behavior in the MCU market.While OTP was more vision than invention, exploiting the extremely simple concept turned the microcontroller industry on its ear and put the company Microchip Technology (MCHP) on the map.The implication to MCUs of various memory technologies is the backbone of MCU evolution.
Mask-ROM-based MCUs are the least expensive MCUs because mask-ROM has very small die implications and because vendors require very high shipping volumes before they’ll accept an order for a mask MCU.High volume means low cost.Offsetting the low unit cost is a mask charge (~$100,000) that is assessed each time the pattern (the program) is changed to correct errors or add features.The customer would amortize this non-recurring engineering (NRE) charge over the total production run of the MCU.The ideal situation is to have a 100% solid program committed to a mask-ROM-based MCU and run millions of the chips.
In the 1990’s OTP MCUs took over as production MCUs for all but the highest-running end-equipment.Since 2000, Flash-memory-based MCUs have replaced OTP MCUs in all but the most cost-sensitive and most stable applications.
2PPeer-to-Peer communication goes
from endpoint to endpoint with no superior/inferior, server/client,
master/slave relationship nor expectation of a hierarchy of intervening
PAPower Amplifier
PANBluetooth is an example of a wireless Personal Area Network designed to provide digital connectivity between devices like mobile PCs, printers, PDAs, cellular phones, and cameras over a range of about 3-10 yards.See also:Network
PCBThe familiar green multilayer fiberglass Printed Circuit Board is a mainstay of the electronics industry, usurped only by the integrated circuit that replicates part of the PCB’s function of bringing together a myriad of circuits onto a piece of silicon rather than the PCB.See also: SBC, IC, SoC, die
PCIPeripheral Component Interconnect parallel bus for PCs
PCMPulse Code Modulation
PDAPersonal Digital Assistant
PHY Physical layer or interface, often to a serial communications cable like CAT-5 for Ethernet
PIN Personal Identification Numberersonal Digital Assistant
PIMGenerally, a Personal Information Manager is a very simple PDA, often made up of a calendar, address book, and notepad. These devices were overtaken by the more sophisticated PDA in the early '90's.
pixelThe picture element (pixel) is the smallest element of an image and may have a color and intensity value associated with it. The resolution of an image depends on the number and quality of pixels that comprise it. The quality is often referred to as “depth” which may determine which of 64K (16-bit), 16M (24-bit), or 4G (32-bit) colors is assigned to that pixel.
Programmable Logic Controller - a board- or box-level product often used in
industrial control
Power Line Communications - where the “mains” power line is the physical medium
that carries the data
PLDProgrammable Logic Device - a
semiconductor category
PLLPhase-Locked Loop oscillator
(clock generator)
PMPPersonal Media Player
PNDPersonal Navigation Device - a
handheld GPS-based system
POEPower Over Ethernet
POP3 Post Office Protocol-3
POS *1) The Point of Sale is the location at the retailer where the customer exchanges money for goods or services and often the terminating end of an electronic system to track and inventory goods and services.
POS *2) Packet-over-SONET
POS *3) Piece of Stink – loving description of a beat-up, ugly, barely-running old car - or other system
POTSPlain Old Telephone Service - think: 1970 telephony; circuit-switched telephony
PowerPC, PowerA popular processor architecture managed by IBM and Freescale, with limited availability in IP form.PowerPC was a commercial version of the more robust POWER architecture IBM had established internally, and was developed and nurtured by a joint venture of IBM Microelectronics, Motorola Semiconductor Products, and Apple Computer.In 2004, much of IBM’s moderate performance, merchant Power-based MPU business was sold to AMCC, which has further developed the product line.Around 2006, after Apple abandoned the architecture in its Macintosh computers, the “PC” portion of the name was suppressed.Advancements of the original IBM-only POWER processors are impressive and found in IBM’s most-powerful servers.[Other popular multi-vendor architectures include: ARM, MIPS, Power/PowerPC, SuperH/SH]
PPPPoint-to-Point Protocol for networking
PRMLPartial Response, Maximum Likelihood
ProcessorA digital processor executes a sequence of instructions (the program) to perform arithmetic and logical operations on data.The ability to branch to different parts of the program based on test conditions of the results gives particular intelligence to processors.A synchronizing clock determines how fast instructions are executed.The bit-size (or word width) of the instructions determine the variety and intricacy of the operations and the bit-size of the data determines the resolution or range that the data can represent.Data might represent numeric information (typical for an MPU), I/O (input and output) representing switch, sensor, or control information (typical for an MCU), signal information like audio, video, or vibration (typical in a DSP), and other information.The infinite programmability of the digital processor has made it an invaluable component of all modern electronics.This flexibility lets vendors to supply one processor to hundreds of customers.Vendors can then spread the cost of the design (which is very high) and manufacturing of the processor across the cumulative volumes of all these customers.Numerous varieties of processors are available including MPU, MCU, DSP, graphical, network, vector, and core processors.The Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) is the most basic component of a processor.See also: MPU, MCU, DSP, ALU, core
PTPThe IEEE 1588 Precision Time
Protocol is a mechanism for permitting timing and synchronization of events
within a microsecond across the normally-non-deterministic Ethernet.
PVPhotovoltaic electricity
generation usually involves conversion of photon energy (light) directly to
electricity, excluding schemes of heating water to drive turbines
PWMPulse Width Modulation/Modulator
QEDThe corporation Quantum Effects Design, later Quantum Effects Devices, developed designs and chips using the MIPS processor with favorite markets of printers and networking.Acquired by PMC-Sierra in 2000.
RAM Random Access Memory is a fundamental memory type.See also: Memory
RCHAn extremely small distance barely visible to the naked eye; used in phrases such as “we’re only off by an RCH.”Popular term among mechanics and mechanical engineers even though few have ever seen the mythical RCH and no metric or Imperial standard has ever been established for the measure.
Read-Modify-WriteProcessors need the ability to read a memory location, modify the contents, and write updated contents back to the location without delay or interruption caused especially from other bus-masters.This allows proper management of semaphores that are used for synchronization with the system and assuring only one master has access to a shared resource.This read-modify-write sequence must be atomic, that is, uninterruptible.
real-time A simple description of real-time is imperceptible delay.
Real-time operation is “fast enough that no delay is noticed.” This is critical in most situations. On a factory floor, stopping the drill must be done in real-time, before it cuts the material deeper than the set depth. However, reporting operating hours or even motor temperature to central maintenance is not time-critical. In an MP3 player it might not matter whether the audio program starts immediately when the play button is pushed, it will be unacceptable if the audio stutters or skips during playback. The audio must be processed “in real time”. If hitting a drum requires so much processing time that the drum sound during playback is delayed in relation to the rest of the instruments – or the original – then the processing is not “real-time” – and unacceptable. The following typically require real-time operation: Audio processing Video processing Machine control Motor control Automotive safety – ABS, airbag, traction / stability control
Real-time is nice but not always required in some applications: Network traffic (data can be re-sent) Voice response (people take time to think) User interface (humans are relatively slow)
A processor-based system might not be capable of real-time operation due to the slowness of many activities: interrupt response, instruction length, memory speed, register save and restore, processor clock frequency, loop or branch efficiency, instruction set effectiveness, operating system efficiency, algorithm complexity, and compiler effectiveness. The accumulation of all of these activities can prevent a system from attaining real-time operation.
The PC does not operate in real time there are delays after hitting “enter” and the application reacting. The Internet is not real-time – it may take seconds for a Web page to download. Even the fluorescent light bulbs are not real-time – they may take a minute to come up to full brightness. Waiting for your printer is not real-time.
RTC Real Time Clock or Time of Day clock (TOD) is a timer that keeps track of the time and date, usually in a form that is easily read or displayed, such as mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss ap. It is important that such clocks keep time very accurately so that the time is still correct after a number of years. Most RTCs run from a 32768 Hz “watch” crystal which is true within 20 ppm (parts per million beats).
The original IBM PC used a real-time clock which was an independent circuit and it was kept alive by the “CMOS battery” that had to be changed every few years. The circuit became integrated into many other chips. The power an RTC consumes is the subject of much attention because it may be the only circuit kept alive during “power off” of most electronic systems, and so can be a main source of battery drain.
RF Radio Frequency
RFIDRadio Frequency Identification
RISCReduced Instruction Set Computer - instructions that can execute in a single cycle with functionality limited to a 1) math or logical operation, 2) address pointer manipulation, 3) memory access (two cycle execution) or 4) conditional branch.RISC processors allow much higher clocking to be attained by keeping the operations simple compared to CISC processors and came into popularity in the mid-1980’s. ARM, MIPS, SPARC, and PowerPC are well-known RISC architectures. See also:CISC
RNCRadio Network Control
RoHS Restriction of Hazardous Substances
ROMRead-Only Memory is a fundamental memory type.Once programmed, the data in ROM can be read out reliably time-after-time.ROM is used to hold programs (sequences of instructions) for microprocessors and microcontrollers and because it is unchangeable (for the most part), those programs are referred to as “firmware” as opposed to “software” (which implies readily-changed.)Sometimes the term ROM is used where the term “program” would be more correct, often in the sense of ROM (which holds the program) and RAM (which holds the variable data).
ROM might also contain tables of fixed data which might be quicker for the processor to parse than executing a series of mathematical operations to arrive at the same result.Look-up tables (LUT, mentioned elsewhere) might also translate the color green to the computer value 33FF00h for use on a Web page, or the letter “A” pushed on a keyboard that comes in as 41h to a series of dots in multiple rows to form the character A on a screen.
“True” ROM is programmed at the vendor’s factory in a metal mask layer, and thus is called “mask ROM.”Mask ROM is the most-dense form of non-volatile memory.The special mask layer is costly to make and takes time to run through the factory, and the resulting product can usually only be sold to one customer.The customer is usually charged an NRE (non-recurring engineering) charge for each mask, and may have to wait 4 weeks to see the final parts.
The patterns in mask ROM can not be changed, and thus mistakes in the data are costly, requiring “work arounds” that use programming tricks to accommodate the errors or completely throwing away the chip and programming another (with NRE charges, etc).Over time, other forms of memory solved some ROM difficulties.See: OTP, Memory.
RSAA public-key cryptographic system, the letters come from the last names of Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman
RTCA Real-Time Clock is a digital time-of-day and calendar circuit.Some people tried to paralyze the IT industry in the year 2000 blaming improper readings from RTCs.The sky was not falling, but FUD did sell a lot of computers and “research”.
RTOSMost embedded systems rely on Real-Time Operating Systems to respond quickly to handle sporadic events that occur in the equipment. that require attention.Since an operating system (OS) allocates hardware and software resources and manages the starting and completion of numerous software tasks, very fast interrupt response with a lean switch overhead is critical for initiating the service routines to handle real-world events. (See Real-Time)
Real-TimeA simple description of real-time is
“imperceptible delay.”
Real-time operation is “fast enough that no delay is noticed.”This is critical in most situations.On a factory floor, stopping the drill must
be done in real-time, before it cuts the material deeper than the set
depth.However, reporting operating
hours or even motor temperature to central maintenance is not
time-critical.In an MP3 player it might
not matter whether the audio program starts immediately when the play button is
pushed, it will be unacceptable if the audio stutters or skips during
playback.The audio must be processed
“in real time”.If hitting a drum
requires so much processing time that the drum sound during playback is delayed
in relation to the rest of the instruments – or the original – then the
processing is not “real-time” – and unacceptable.The following typically require real-time
operation: Audio processing Video processing Machine control Motor control Automotive safety – ABS, airbag,
traction / stability control
Real-time is nice but not always required in some applications: Network traffic (data can be re-sent) Voice response (people take time to
think) User interface (humans are relatively
A processor-based system might not be capable of real-time operation due to the
slowness of many activities:interrupt
response, instruction length, memory speed, register save and restore,
processor clock frequency, loop or branch efficiency, instruction set
effectiveness, operating system efficiency, algorithm complexity, and compiler
effectiveness.The accumulation of all
of these activities can prevent a system from attaining real-time operation.
The PC does not operate in real time there are delays after hitting “enter” and
the application reacting.The Internet
is not real-time – it may take seconds for a Web page to download.Even the fluorescent light bulbs are not real-time
– they may take a minute to come up to full brightness.Waiting for your printer is not real-time.
RF Radio Frequency “radio”
RFIDRadio Frequency Identification
RISCReduced Instruction Set Computer -
instructions that can execute in a single cycle with functionality limited to a
1) math or logical operation, 2) address pointer manipulation, 3) memory access
(two cycle execution) or 4) conditional branch.RISC processors allow much higher clocking to be attained by keeping the
operations simple compared to CISC processors and came into popularity in the mid-1980’s.ARM, MIPS, SPARC, and PowerPC are well-known
RISC architectures.See also:CISC
RKERemote Keyless Entry allows the
driver to lock or unlock the car doors without inserting a key into the lock.
RNCRadio Network Control
RoHS Restriction of Hazardous Substances
ROMRead-Only Memory is a fundamental
memory type.Once programmed, the data
in ROM can be read out reliably time-after-time.ROM is used to hold programs (sequences of
instructions) for microprocessors and microcontrollers and because it is
unchangeable (for the most part), those programs are referred to as “firmware”
as opposed to “software” (which implies readily-changed.)Sometimes the term ROM is used where the term
“program” would be more correct, often in the sense of ROM (which holds the
program) and RAM (which holds the variable data).
ROM might also contain tables of fixed data which might be quicker for the
processor to parse than executing a series of mathematical operations to arrive
at the same result.Look-up tables (LUT,
mentioned elsewhere) might also translate the color green to the computer value
33FF00h for use on a Web page, or the letter “A” pushed on a keyboard that
comes in as 41h to a series of dots in multiple rows to form the character A on
a screen.
“True” ROM is programmed at the vendor’s factory in a metal mask layer, and
thus is called “mask ROM.”Mask ROM is the most-dense form of
non-volatile memory.The special mask
layer is costly to make and takes time to run through the factory, and the resulting
product can usually only be sold to one customer.The customer is usually charged an NRE
(non-recurring engineering) charge for each mask, and may have to wait 4 weeks
to see the final parts.
The patterns in mask ROM can not be changed, and thus mistakes in the data are
costly, requiring “work arounds” that use programming tricks to accommodate the
errors or completely throwing away the chip and programming another (with NRE
charges, etc).Over time, other forms of
memory solved some ROM difficulties.See: OTP, Memory.
RSAA public-key cryptographic system,
the letters come from the last names of Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard
RTCReal Time Clock or Time of Day
clock (TOD) is a timer that keeps track of the time and date, usually in a form
that is easily read or displayed, such as mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a/p.It is important that such clocks keep time
very accurately so that the time is still correct after a number of years.Most RTCs run from a 32768 Hz “watch” crystal
which is true within 20 ppm (parts per million) beats.
The original IBM PC used a real-time clock which was an independent circuit and
it was kept alive by the “CMOS battery” that had to be changed every few
years.The circuit became integrated
into many other chips. The power an RTC
consumes is the subject of much attention because it may be the only circuit
kept alive during “power off” of most electronic systems, and so can be a main
source of battery drain.
Some people tried to paralyze the IT industry in the year 2000 blaming improper
readings from RTCs.The sky was not
falling, but FUD did sell a lot of computers and “research”.
RTOSMost embedded systems rely on
Real-Time Operating Systems to respond quickly to handle sporadic events that
occur in the equipment. that require attention.Since an operating system (OS) allocates hardware and software resources
and manages the starting and completion of numerous software tasks, very fast
interrupt response with a lean switch overhead is critical for initiating the
service routines to handle real-world events.(See Real-Time)
SAM The Served Available Market (sometimes: Addressable) is the market for which the product / service is intended to be sold, and is less than the TAM. If the product is an automobile, the TAM might be all passenger vehicles, but the SAM might be cars, excluding light trucks. However, when considering the TAM, this particular car might draw a few people out of their pickup trucks. Alternatively, proportionately, truck sales may increase, squeezing the car SAM smaller even though vehicle TAM is constant. SAM must be realistically specified to be useful. “Black 2-door Studebakers” is a market that other vendors can not serve, but “sports cars” may be the right SAM for a Mustang. Pay attention to exactly what SAM is being referenced when market share is discussed. (see also TAM, SOM, share)
SBC The Single-Board Computer is a board-level computer that today might be called a “blade” and would include a semiconductor processor on the board and likely the memory as well. Some standard board configurations include VME or PC104 which entail physical, electrical, and power specifications. See PCB
semiconductor Semiconductors are materials based on chemical elements that are neither good electrical conductors (like gold and silver) nor good electrical insulators. Silicon (Si) is by far the most useful basis of semiconductors, although in the early days Germanium (Ge) was used, and for some very high-speed circuits today use a molecular combination of Gallium (Ga) and Arsenic (As) – GaAs.
SERDES The 10-bit Serialize and Deserializer physical-medium attachment sub-layer for Gigabit Ethernet
share The Market Share (or SOM) of a product is the percentage of the market which purchases or uses the product / service. Competitors serve the balance of that market and market share is one important measure of a product/service success and growth. Suppliers fight vigorously to gain market share because amortizing costs across the greatest volume usually gives the lowest per-item cost. Describing the market properly is important and should be agreed among industry specialists. See also: TAM, SAM, SOM
SH, SuperHThe SuperH processor architecture (sometimes just SH) family includes MCUs (SH-1 and SH-2) and MPUs. Most of Renesas’ (Hitachi) 32-bit MCUs are based on the SuperH family. The original SuperH was designed at Hitachi. Early in 2001, SuperH Inc. was organized to license the architecture, but within five years and after a cooperative venture with STMicro yielded little commercial benefit, the licensing was largely abandoned.[Other popular multi-vendor architectures include: ARM, MIPS, Power/PowerPC, SuperH/SH]
SHA-1Secure Hash Algorithm is an encryption technique.Others: DES, AES
SIM Subscriber Identity Module
SIMDSingle Instruction, Multiple Data refers to one instruction that causes the same operation to be effected on numerous pieces of data in parallel, for instance adding eight pairs of data to eight individual totals.Can be useful for media processing, like video.
SiP System-in-a-Package (multi-chip, stacked…) usually refers to a number of chips connected together in a package (not all need to be semiconductors. A good example is a processor chip connected to a memory chip or two all in one package, allowing for quite a mix of memory configurations without the difficulty of laying out a chip for each.
SMPSymmetric MultiProcessing.See also: AMP (asymmetric), Heterogeneous, and discussion at Homogeneous
SoC A System-on-a-Chip is an easy concept and seemingly self-explanatory, but in reality difficult to pin down indisputably.The SoC is the most highly integrated circuit today, typically with a variety of functions blended together on a single piece of silicon.The chip should be comprised of all of the major functions required to operate the system, including the digital processor.The entire semiconductor memory system is not expected to be on the SoC, mostly because it could be huge – four or five chips in itself.An SoC should contain at least a quarter million transistors.
The difficulty with defining an SOC is pinning it down.Is a processor required or can the chip simply contain 250,000 gates of logic?What if a massive function is implemented but it takes four similar-sized SoCs to build the entire system?Does it matter if the SoC requires a few support chips like A-to-D converters or PHYs?What if the system is relatively small – something that a microcontroller can operate, like an automobile climate control?Isn’t a microcontroller the original SoC?Is a highly-integrated embedded processor or 32-bit microcontroller an SoC?Do all ASICs and ASSPs fit the classification of SoC?Is a classification of SoC mutually exclusive of MPUs, ASICs, and ASSPs, or an independent label?
Does it matter?Generally some of these issues are simply areas for discussion, but when companies and marketers declare “the market for SoCs is $150B,” then it is important to understand what is included in the category.
When spoken the letters are spelled out, with the plural form adding an “s” to the end, thus spoken: ess-oh-seas.See also: IC
SOHO Small Office-Home Office
SOI Silicon on Insulator
SOM Share Of Market or market share. See share, SAM, TAM.
SONET Synchronous Optical Network
SPARC The RISC processor architecture that executes the instruction set which was originally developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. Common SPARC processor cores include UltraSPARC and SPARClite. SPARC is short for Scalable Processor Architecture. “Sun” was originally inspired by the alma mater of its founders, Stanford University. MIPS and Sun’s SPARC were the two architectures that exemplified the commercial push for RISC processors in the mid 1980’s. MIPS was licensed widely but as the basis of Sun’s products, a lot of software was created for SPARC [Other popular multi-vendor architectures include: ARM, MIPS, Power/PowerPC, SuperH/SH]
SRAM Static RAM. See also: Memory
SSID Service Set Identifier
STB A Set-Top Box converts digitally-encoded streams into an analog or different digital signal that is suitable as the input to television sets. STBs often presents the program guide to the user for channel selection and, in more advanced systems, arranges recording for DVRs. STBs are often categorized into Analog, Digital, Terrestrial, Cable, Satellite incoming media.
System A collection of interacting, interdependent parts. Any of those parts might be referred to as a subsystem or component. See also: Black Box, Block Diagram
T1, T31.544 and 44.736 Mbps data transmissions for North America (see also E1)
TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol of the Internet Protocol
TAM The Total Available Market includes the entire market that can be reasonably served by the product. The TAM for automobiles will normally exclude light trucks and especially motorcycles, even though all might be found in a residential garage. (see also SAM, SOM, share)
Control Protocol of the Internet Protocol
TCOThe Total Cost of Ownership of a
product encompasses not only the cost to buy the equipment and its attentive
software, but also the costs of installation, training, maintenance, upgrades,
and repairs - all over the lifetime of the product.The cost of consumables
such as printer ink, paper, and electricity should also be included.Consumables might be the largest part of some
products from razors to printers.Service costs like monthly service charges must be included in TCO as
well.Cell phones might be given away
because the service provider is underwriting the cost of the handset on the
expectation of collecting 24 months of service charges. The first piece of equipment that requires
metric tools when all other equipment makes use of English tools will require
purchase of a metric tool set – and should be considered as part of the
TDMATime Division Multiple Access, a cellular technology
temperature rangeSemiconductors are usually tested to operate within a selected temperature range (room temperature is around 25°C): Commercial0°C to +70°C Industrial-40°C to +85°C -40°C to +105°C Automotive-40°C to +125°C Military-55°C to +125°C At lower temperatures, semiconductors run faster but consume more power.There is a science and a little art to testing the chip at the extreme temperature points and specifying (“spec’ing”) electrical parameters over the full range.The problem is that high performance is tied to the fast transistor switching that occurs at low temperature, but a 20% gain in performance may require doubling the power consumption – usually a poor trade-off.A chip operating at room temperature may run 750 MHz and only draw 3 watts even though the part is spec’d for worst-case which is 1000 MHz and 10 watts at -40°C.
Usually, in a sequence known as “binning” (putting into bins), semiconductors are tested first at the widest temperature range (say, automotive) and chips that pass are categorized and sold at that temperature range. Next the parts that failed the widest range are tested at the next-narrower (less stringent) temperature range (say, industrial) and chips passing that range are similarly categorized and ultimately sold at a lower price. After repeating this process enough times any parts that fail to pass the 0-to-70°C range are considered un-usable and either disposed of properly or sent for failure analysis (FA) to determine why.
Interspersed with temperature tests are speed tests for 1.5 GHz, 1.2 GHz, 1.0 GHz or whatever maximum frequencies the chip has been specified to run. Market demand may determine the sequence of this testing and whether an industrial 1.2 GHz part is more desirable than a commercial grade 1.5 GHz part.
thouThis means you.Ignor it at your own peril, especially when followed by “shalt not . . .”Similar terms in Olde English and King James’ are thy, thine, and thee, with ye being similar to the modern day y’all, commonly heard in the South and Southwestern United States.Distinctions between these are beyond the scope of this text.More help may be available at
ThumbThe 32-bit ARM instruction set has a subset defined as Thumb that compacts frequently-used instructions into a 16-bit format to conserve memory space and reduce memory accesses.A Thumb-enabled ARM processor must be switched into the Thumb mode to execute Thumb instructions.The “T” in the popular ARM7TDMI processor indicates Thumb ability.Availability of compact Thumb instructions is one of the reasons ARM was chosen to run early digital cellular phones, and ARM continues to dominate that market space.
Thumb2 instructions are a much newer form of compact ARM instructions.No mode switch is necessary to run Thumb2 instructions so they can be interspersed with normal ARM instructions, and they execute faster than the prior Thumb instructions.
Other instruction set architectures like MIPS (Tiny MIPS), PowerPC, and SuperH also have compact instruction capability though it may be implemented differently.
TLBTranslation Lookaside Buffer, often associated with memory management
TTLTransistor-Transistor Logic technology essentially made integrated circuits practical and is the basis of most electronics today. See also CMOS.
UThe “U” in a many processor circuit acronyms (ALU, CPU, MPU, MCU, FPU...) stands for unit, a remnant of the days when many individual components on a board, and later when a single chip, comprised this function.In speech, the “unit” is rarely spoken now.
UMTSUniversal Mobile Telecommunications Service, a cellular technology
usA microsecond is one-millionth of a second (for convenience, the lower-case “u” is often substituted for the more-correct “mu”, µ, for micro-)
USART Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART is asynchronous only)
USBUniversal Serial Bus.High speed serial data transfers are possible
over this truly universal standard physical and protocol description. The ubiquitous cable allows increasingly
faster speeds for ever-greater types of equipment. Many devices even recharge their batteries or
completely rely on the power (900ma) available down the cable. The larger “A” end defines the host, hubs can
replicate and extend the fan-out of the hierarchical bus, and peripherals are
the downstream end-point devices or “functions”. An “On-the-go” OTG device might act as a host
in one circumstance and as a peripheral in another. For instance a camera might act as a host when
printing pictures directly to a printer, but act as a peripheral when uploading
pictures to a host PC; all using the same physical port.
USB 1.1
Low Speed (LS) 1.5 mbps & Full Speed (FS)
12 mbps
USB 2.0
High Speed (HS) 480 mbps (mega bits per second)
USB 3.0
Very High Speed4800 mbps with a new cable
All are backward compatible.
UWBUltra Wide-Band enhanced Bluetooth
VGAOne of many monitor display standards often used to describe a screen size of 640x480.Other sizes (most with 4:3 aspect ratio): 320 x240QVGAQuarter 352 x288CIFCommon Intermediate Format (1.22..:1) 640 x480VGAVideo Graphics Array 800 x600SVGASuper 1280 x 1024SXGASuper Extended(1.25:1 aspect ratio)
VLIWVery Long Instruction Word
VLSI Very Large-Scale Integration [Discussion at “IC”]
VLSI Technology The corporation VLSI Technology was an early pioneer of ASIC technology and embedding processors (like the earliest ARM processor) into ASICs. It was acquired by Philips (now NXP) in 1999.
VPNA Virtual Private Network provides a layer of security allowing a client on a public network like the Internet to safely communicate with an enterprise server without fear of data transmissions being compromised.
VoIPVoice over Internet Protocol
word In describing a processor, “word” usually refers to the primary data size the processor is designed to handle, often the same size as the machine’s ALU. “Double-word” data, which is twice a word’s width, can often also be handled though may make two passes through the ALU to accomplish the operation. Half-word and smaller data sizes might be accommodated by sign-extending the smaller data to make it full word size or might even be packed so that two half-word data can be operated on in a single pass (see SIMD). To a 32-bit processor, the word size is considered 32-bits, double-word is 64-bits, and half-word is 16-bits.
WANThe cellular phone network is a good example of a Wide Area Network where digital communications is available wirelessly over an area that may be miles.See also:Network
WAPWireless Application Protocol
W-CDMAWideband Code-Division Multiple Access, a cellular technology
WEPWired-Equivalent Privacy
Wi-FiWireless Fidelity; Wireless networking based on IEEE 802.11
WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access, wireless networking based on IEEE 802.16
WLAN, Wireless LANA Wireless Local Area Network like IEEE 802.11a, b, or g provides digital communications in buildings or within about 100 yards.See also:Network
WYSIWYGWhat You See Is What You Get describes a good graphical user interface where the size, color, and orientation shown on the monitor are the same as on a printed output.Pronounced: wiz’-zee-wig
XIn some logic and engineering uses, X is a shorthand for “trans” as in transistor (Xistor), transceiver (XCVR), transfer (Xfer). Also X can indicate a “don’t care” or irrelevant condition, one that has no affect on the state. In a more general sense, X can simply stand for an unknown or “any number of substitutions”. The origins of this use is a little vague though may stem from the letter’s similarity to two arrows pointing at each other, since no particular direction is implied by “trans”, though movement is suggested. As a Roman numeral, X counts as ten.
8051The 8051 is a well-known 8-bit microcontroller architecture that Intel extended from its earlier 8080 microprocessor.8051-compatible MCUs are still offered by many other companies.Also: 80C51; simpler: 8031.
*Asterisk indicates that multiple definitions are given for this acronym/term
NetworksLAN, MAN, PAN, WAN, WLAN = x Area Network . . . Local, Metropolitan, Personal, Wide-Area, Wireless… Area Network Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, WiMAX, UWB (UltraWide Band), Zigbee wireless networks.
NumbersTraditional scientific conventions in notation of numbers and measures are utilized in electronics and semiconductors with some slight variations when dealing with the powers-of-2 inherent in binary counting.Marketers have been known to revert back to traditional convention when it makes their products appear superior, but this should be discouraged.Any numbers associated with bytes and address ranges should refer to Base-2 numbers.Certain official standards organizations alter the prefix slightly for Base-2 to terms with “bi” in them like kibi, mebi, gibi, tebi; although these are not used in common practice.Clock rates and pixel counts are usually tied to the Base-10 numbers, even if they are often doubled or ultimately dependent upon bytes for storage.If in doubt, check specs because the 2% differences do multiply up to become nearly 10% at the tera- level.For additional information on numerical representations see: byte, word, hexadecimal. Tables follow.